Sep 16, 2018 | Family Photography |
I love to photograph children, you’d think photographing my own would be easy. In a way yes, I know them in a way noone else can but also our own children as we know behave very differently with us than the do with others. But generally I use the same rules as I...
Jun 7, 2018 | Branding, Commercial, Product Photography, Reading |
Personal Branding Photography Julie Provino is an International HR Leader, Trainer coach, author and MD at VeryHR, Julie is a fierce mother and wife, Julie is beautiful, passionate and hard working. In fact one of the most hard working people I know. Julie is also fun...
Feb 2, 2018 | Product Photography |
Industrial Vintage Lighting by Mike and Jodie Abbott of LovePhoebe. I am part of a great community of mummy entrepreneurs on facebook, called Reading Mumpreneurs, the group was set up as a place where local mums can share their experiences and provide and receive...